Genesis 40

  1. 3. chief officers who offended Pharaoh
  2. 4. what the butler pressed into Pharaoh's cup
  3. 7. color of the baskets
  4. 8. Real birds ate the baker's _.
  5. 10. kind of grapes the clusters brought forth
  6. 11. The three branches and the three baskets were _ _.
  7. 12. These caused the butler and baker to be sad.
  8. 17. Who noticed the butler and baker's sadness?
  9. 20. These belong to God
  10. 23. Who charged Joseph with the butler and baker?
  11. 24. The butler _ Joseph.
  12. 25. Joseph asked the butler to _ him to Pharaoh.
  13. 26. Who was captain of the guard? (39:1)
  1. 1. This was in the butlers top basket.
  2. 2. The vine did this in the dream.
  3. 5. Pharaoh made a feast to celebrate his _.
  4. 6. king of Egypt
  5. 9. where the baker carried his baskets in his dream
  6. 13. Pharaoh would _ the butler.
  7. 14. These ate what was in the top basket.
  8. 15. what the baker was hung on
  9. 16. This was in the butlers dream.
  10. 18. The butler gave this into Pharaoh's hand.
  11. 19. The vine's blossoms did this in the dream.
  12. 21. what Joseph said he did to be put in the dungeon
  13. 22. Pharaoh would _ the baker.