Genesis 41

  1. 5. Joseph's age when he stood before Pharaoh
  2. 6. This was in the land of Egypt during the dearth.
  3. 7. amount of time the butler forgot Joseph
  4. 8. In each dream, how many were fat and full?
  5. 9. what the animals came out of in Pharaoh's dream
  6. 11. Joseph's younger son
  7. 12. In each dream, how many were lean or thin?
  8. 13. The seven kine and seven ears were _ _.
  9. 16. The famine was over all the face of the _.
  10. 18. Pharaoh put this about Joseph's neck.
  11. 19. Pharaoh's people would be ruled according to Joseph's _.
  12. 24. The thin ones were years of _.
  13. 28. The fat ones were years of _.
  14. 29. They cried this before Joseph.
  15. 30. where they would keep the stored food
  16. 31. Pharaoh arrayed Joseph in vestures made of _ _.
  17. 33. Ephraim means God hath made me to be _...
  18. 35. fractional part of the land Joseph told Pharaoh to take up during the years of plenty
  19. 37. Joseph's wife
  20. 38. Pharaoh's _ was troubled by his dreams.
  21. 39. What did the butler remember that day?
  22. 40. Who came to Egypt for bread during the famine?
  23. 41. Joseph's father in law
  24. 42. this was in Pharaoh's second dream
  1. 1. The plenty would be _ when the famine came.
  2. 2. description of the lean ones after they ate the fat ones
  3. 3. type of man Joseph told Pharaoh to set over the land of Egypt to gather food.
  4. 4. All these could not interpret Pharaoh's dream
  5. 10. animals in Pharaoh's first dream
  6. 14. Joseph changed his _ before he went to Pharaoh.
  7. 15. Joseph did this before he came to Pharaoh.
  8. 17. the only place Pharaoh would be greater than Joseph
  9. 20. name Pharaoh gave Joseph
  10. 21. Pharaoh made Joseph ride in his _ _.
  11. 22. The amount of corn Joseph gathered
  12. 23. How the earth brought forth in the seven plenteous years
  13. 25. The butler told Pharaoh about how Joseph _ two dreams.
  14. 26. what the thin ones did to the fat ones in Pharaoh's dream
  15. 27. What God did to the dream to show it was established.
  16. 31. Manasseh means God hath made me to _ ...
  17. 32. Joseph's firstborn
  18. 34. Potiphera was priest of _.
  19. 36. Who did Pharaoh send the people to to buy corn?
  20. 43. Pharaoh gave Joseph his _.