Genesis 41a

  1. 3. This was cried before Joseph.
  2. 8. Pharaoh knew this was in Joseph.
  3. 10. These belong to God.
  4. 12. these were devoured
  5. 13. what Pharaoh called Joseph
  6. 16. The butler forgot Joseph for...
  7. 17. Pharaoh's _ on Joseph's hand
  8. 18. pharaoh's first dream
  9. 19. The kine came out of this.
  10. 20. These of Egypt could not interpret.
  11. 21. The butler remembered these.
  12. 22. Joseph rode in Pharaoh's _ chariot.
  13. 24. kind of man to set over Egypt
  14. 26. full and fat ones
  15. 27. dream established by God is _
  16. 28. God's answer brings _.
  1. 1. Pharaoh dressed Joseph in vestures of...
  2. 2. Pharaoh's dreams troubled his _.
  3. 4. Joseph's age before Pharaoh
  4. 5. Pharaoh's second dream
  5. 6. These of Egypt could not interpret.
  6. 7. Pharaoh put this about Joseph's neck.
  7. 9. take up this part of the land
  8. 10. these devoured
  9. 11. time of each: famine and plenty
  10. 14. thin and leanfleshed ones
  11. 15. grievous famine makes plenty to be _
  12. 16. only place Pharaoh greater than Joseph
  13. 20. All Pharaoh's people were ruled according to Joseph's _.
  14. 23. Joseph gathered as much corn as _.
  15. 25. where food was stored