Genesis Chapter 13

  1. 4. Abram called on the name of the Lord and did this in Bethel and Ai
  2. 5. The city toward which Lot pitched his tent, known for its wickedness
  3. 7. And there (Bethel) Abram ___ on the name of the Lord
  4. 8. The Canaanites and the ___ then dwelt in the land
  5. 10. Abram was very rich in ___
  6. 12. Then Lot chose for himself all the plain of ___
  7. 13. And I will make your descendants as the ___ of the earth
  8. 14. Abram and Lot dwelt in this
  1. 1. God promised to give the land to Abram and his descendants ___
  2. 2. But the men of Sodom were exceedingly wicked and ___ against the Lord.
  3. 3. There was ___ between Abram and Lot's heardsmen
  4. 5. Now the land was not able to ___ them
  5. 6. Arise, ___ in the land through its length and its width, for I give it to you.
  6. 9. The direction Lot went when he departed from Abram
  7. 11. The direction Abram and Lot went after they left Egypt