Genesis Crossword Puzzle

  1. 6. What did God create with the man's rib?
  2. 7. Which day was vegetation created?
  3. 9. What did Noah make the ark out of?
  4. 13. What thing did the whole have the same?
  5. 14. Who ate the fruit from the tree of good and evil first?
  6. 16. On which day did God rest?
  7. 18. How many days did God take to create the world?
  8. 20. How did Cain feel when God liked his brother's offering better?
  9. 23. What was the city named because the Lord confused the speech of all the world?
  10. 24. What did the Lord do to the people?
  11. 25. Which animal was the most cunning of all the wild animals the Lord had made?
  12. 27. What was the name of the first branch of the river in Eden?
  13. 28. What did the Lord feel regarding making human beings on the earth?
  14. 29. How many pairs of clean animals was Noah told to bring on the ark?
  1. 1. On the first day, God said "let there be ___."
  2. 2. Which tree was the man and woman not allowed to eat from?
  3. 3. What was put on Cain so no one would kill him when he was wandering on the earth?
  4. 4. What did the people build to make a name for themselves?
  5. 5. Where did the Lord plant a garden?
  6. 7. How many sons did Noah have?
  7. 8. What did God bless the seventh day as?
  8. 10. Who did Eve give birth to first?
  9. 11. What did want to do their language so no one would understand each other?
  10. 12. What did the man name?
  11. 15. Cain did what to his brother in the field?
  12. 17. What did the man name his wife?
  13. 19. Which brother was a herder of flocks?
  14. 21. Who found favor with the Lord?
  15. 22. What was put between the man and woman as a punishment?
  16. 26. What did the man and woman sew because they knew they were naked?