Genetic Engineering 2

  1. 4. The process of DNA in humans becoming mRNA is called ?
  2. 7. Enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of bonds in cyclic AMP or cyclic GMP molecules are enzymes...
  3. 8. Enzymes used to cut DNA molecules.
  4. 9. Use of primers specific for the DNA of the disease-causing virus...
  5. 11. One of the electrophoresis techniques combines biomolecules based on their...
  6. 19. A technique that can be used to help diabetes mellitus sufferers is
  7. 20. Organisms that contain genes from other species are called...
  8. 21. DNA is a carrier of genetic information in... or the bases that form it.
  1. 1. Separation of biomolecules based on their size, charge or isoelectric point is called technique ...
  2. 2. mRNA can become cDNA with the help of enzymes...
  3. 3. 4 building blocks DNA struckture ...
  4. 5. The automatic tool used in the PCR process is called ?
  5. 6. Stages of basic techniques in cloning gene, isolation of recombinant DNA from…
  6. 10. Phosphodiesterase is an enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of phosphodiester bonds, for example the bonds in cyclic AMP molecules or cyclic...
  7. 12. Enzyme that is used to cut DNA molecule ?
  8. 13. DNA or RNA sequence of three nucleotide (a trinucleotide) that forms a unit of genomic information encoding a particular amino acid.RecombinatDNA A technique that can be used to help diabetes mellitus sufferers is
  9. 14. Each restriction enzyme cuts DNA molecules only at...
  10. 15. The use of primers specific for the DNA of a disease-causing virus the PCR is tremendously sensitive only need ...
  11. 16. Polymerase chain reaction uses enzymes from ... bacteria
  12. 17. DNA in humans contains...
  13. 18. The first application of genetic engineering technology to humans was in patients with…