Genetic Technology

  1. 2. this acronym is most commonly used to refer to genetically modified organisms in agriculture
  2. 4. every living thing has a unique one
  3. 6. this is what organisms are called when they contain DNA from another organism
  4. 7. gel electrophoresis separates DNA fragments by ______.
  5. 8. DNA fragments that are smaller will move ______ through the gel
  6. 11. creating a catalog for these, is a use of DNA fingerprinting used by wildlife biologists
  7. 14. this type of enzyme is used to cut DNA at known sequences, such as GAATTC
  8. 15. this type of charge is added to the opposite end of the gel chamber because of DNA's negative charge
  9. 16. this worldwide collaboration determined the sequence of the entire human genome in 2003.
  1. 1. the process of bacterial __________ inserts human genes into bacterial cells
  2. 2. this procedure is used to compare two or more sequences of DNA by using electric current
  3. 3. this disorder has been treated very successfully by gene therapy
  4. 5. the manipulation of DNA for the benefit of mankind
  5. 9. this technique treats disease by giving normal copies of important genes to people who have "disease" copies
  6. 10. the organism often used in genetic engineering because it multiplies quickly
  7. 12. a small, circular piece of DNA found in bacteria
  8. 13. the protein hormone that is created for diabetics using bacterial transformation