Genetic Technology

  1. 1. insulin producer
  2. 4. vector
  3. 10. 32 pairs
  4. 13. a method for rapid production of a very large number of copies
  5. 14. delivers the gene to the cells of the organism
  6. 16. variable number tandem repeats
  7. 17. the analysis of a person’s DNA
  8. 20. DNA made by joining pieces from two or more different sources
  1. 2. one of the two arms of the replicated chromosome
  2. 3. Like plasmids
  3. 5. the region of DNA to which RNA polymerase binds as it starts transcription
  4. 6. Protein
  5. 7. the collection, processing and analysis of biological information and data using computer software
  6. 8. polymerase chain reaction
  7. 9. separates the DNA molecule into two strands
  8. 11. DNA Cutter
  9. 12. Bacillus amyloliquefaciens
  10. 15. breaking down Glucose into energy
  11. 17. as a markers
  12. 18. Escherichia coli
  13. 19. the shape of the DNA fragment