Genetics 1

  1. 2. All of the genetic instructions to make a human
  2. 4. An egg or sperm cell
  3. 8. The base pairs made from A,C,G,T
  4. 9. A long-stranded molecule that self replicates
  5. 11. Compacted coils of DNA that contain genetic information (Hint: Humans have 46)
  6. 12. Nucleotide that always pairs with Guanine
  7. 14. The chromosome that holds the X and Y chromosomes.
  8. 15. Nucleotide that always pairs with Thymine
  9. 17. Very similar to DNA except U replaces T
  10. 19. Number of meters of DNA in each of your cells
  1. 1. The study of heredity is called ___________
  2. 2. Specific segment of a chromosome that contains instructions on making a protein
  3. 3. Nucleotide that always pairs with Cytosine
  4. 5. Place where proteins are made in the cell
  5. 6. Body cells
  6. 7. A protein that DNA wraps around to form chromatin
  7. 10. DNA+Histones
  8. 13. Cell division that results in 2 cells with 1/2 the number of chromosomes.
  9. 15. Bases that would pair with:TAAGACT
  10. 16. Nucleotide that always pairs with Adenine
  11. 18. Cell division that results in 4 cells that have the same number of chromosomes