
  1. 5. type of chromosomes that carry the same sequence of DNA
  2. 7. The various specific forms of a gene are alleles
  3. 8. type of cell division used to produce gametes
  4. 10. random change that occurs is a DNA sequence
  5. 14. the X and Y chromosomes
  6. 16. Heritable factor that consists of a length of DNA
  7. 17. a defect which occurs when sister chromatids are not seperated during anaphase
  8. 18. small extra DNA molecules that are commonly found in prokaryotes
  1. 1. a record of the chromosomes of an organism shown in homologous pairs of decreasing length
  2. 2. pair of homologous chromosomes formed into a tetrad
  3. 3. type of nuclei that contain one chromosome of each pair
  4. 4. the trisomy 21 defect
  5. 6. the specific karyogram for the observed organism
  6. 9. an act of homologous chromosomes exchanging genetic information during prophase 1 of meiosis
  7. 11. the whole of the genetic information of an organism
  8. 12. proteins found in chromatin that aids in supercoiling
  9. 13. the material that chromosomes are made of
  10. 15. type nuclei that contain pairs of homologous chromosomes