
  1. 2. an organism that always passes down certain traits (i.e. physically expressed traits) to its offspring of many generation
  2. 4. branch of biology that deals with characteristics that are inherited from one generation to the next
  3. 6. genetic factor blocked by the presence of a dominant factor
  4. 8. the young born of living organisms. they are the children
  5. 9. the offspring resulting from combining the qualities of two organisms of different breeds
  6. 11. pollination that occurs when pollen from one plant lands on the pistil of the flower of the same plant
  1. 1. a distinguishing quality or characteristic
  2. 3. the passing of traits from parents to offspring
  3. 5. pollination that occurs when pollen from one plant reaches the pistils of a flower from different plant
  4. 7. a distinguishing quality, trait or feature of an individual, or thing
  5. 10. a genetic factor that blocks another genetic factor
  6. 12. to receive something from someone who came before you