
  1. 2. is the branch of biology that is inherited from previous generations.
  2. 3. an organism that always passes down certain traits.
  3. 5. the young born of living organisms.
  4. 7. is when a plant pollinates to the pistil of a different plant.
  5. 9. is the result of the offspring between two organisms of a different breed.
  6. 11. are traits or features of an individual or thing.
  7. 12. is when a plant pollinates to the pistil of the same plant.
  1. 1. is a genetic factor that is blocked by the presence of a dominant factor.
  2. 4. is a genetic factor that blocks another genetic factor.
  3. 6. is to receive something from people before you.
  4. 8. a distinguished quality or characteristics.
  5. 10. is the passing of traits that are found in your parents to their offspring´s.