
  1. 2. The full genome, as written, including alleles that are not expressed
  2. 4. A type of mutation that changes the entire way a strip of DNA is read
  3. 6. A family tree that tracks one or more genetic traits
  4. 8. The process in which organisms change and adapt over time
  5. 9. A single quality that one or more genes code for
  6. 11. Cellular division that creates haploids (gametes)
  7. 12. Cellular division that creates an exact clone of the original cell
  8. 13. An isolated group of a species
  1. 1. The expressed characteristics of an individual's genome
  2. 3. The effect an environment has on the expression of an individual's genes
  3. 4. What happens when a small group of a species immigrates to an area without any of that species
  4. 5. A genetic or behavioral change that cause a species to be more fit for it's environment
  5. 6. A type of mutation that changes out a single nucleotide
  6. 7. A mistake when copying DNA
  7. 10. Bundled up DNA found in the nucleus