
  1. 1. a characteristic or trait that produces a phenotype that is a result of environmental influence.
  2. 4. "Father of Modern Genetics"
  3. 6. show their affect with only one copy of the allele
  4. 9. show their affect with two copy of the allele
  5. 10. Also called homozygous and consists of gene pairs with genes that are the same.
  6. 15. A diagram used by geneticist to determine the probability on an offspring
  7. 17. found in the nucleus
  1. 2. traits passed that are passed from parents to offspring.
  2. 3. Study of heredity
  3. 5. anything passed down from something
  4. 6. A doubled helix that holds all our genetics
  5. 7. differences in a gene
  6. 8. Segments of DNA on a chromosomes
  7. 11. carries two different alleles
  8. 12. organelle that contains the cell's chromosomes
  9. 13. change in a DNA sequence
  10. 14. Also called heterozygous and consists of gene pairs that are different.
  11. 16. carries the same alleles