
  1. 5. The part of the cell where proteins are made.
  2. 7. Chemicals made by mRNA and tRNA in ribosomes.
  3. 9. There are two types of processes in making a protein: transcription and ___________.
  4. 11. When certain traits are passed from parents to children.
  5. 13. A particular characteristic controlled by alleles.
  6. 14. In the name mRNA, m stands for _________
  7. 16. A part of a gene which controls a trait.
  8. 17. The part of the cell where DNA is found.
  9. 18. To find out what genes offspring will inherit, we can use a Punnet ______.
  10. 20. an individual.
  11. 21. The number of bases on DNA, which together make up the 'genetic code'.
  1. 1. The description of the unique genetic make up
  2. 2. Sickle cell _______, a genetic disease.
  3. 3. A single gene/allele which only shows its effect when NOT paired with a dominant gene.
  4. 4. A single gene/allele which always shows its effect in a pair.
  5. 6. Gregor ______, known as the father of genetics.
  6. 8. The description of the physical characteristics of an organism.
  7. 10. You have 23 pairs of these.
  8. 12. Deoxyribonucleic acid.
  9. 13. In the name tRNA, t stands for ________
  10. 15. The unit of heredity.
  11. 19. mRNA uses amino _____ to form proteins.