
  1. 4. The transfer of pollination the another one plant to show the stigma of another
  2. 5. Instructions you can receive from your parents that code your traits
  3. 7. The study of heredity
  4. 9. Sperm cells unite with egg cells and creates seeds
  5. 12. A tool used to predict the possible combinations of alleles in the offspring
  6. 15. Trait that seems to hide or disappear
  1. 1. Having two different alleles
  2. 2. Various forms of one gene
  3. 3. The passing of traits from parents to offspring
  4. 6. Only one plant needed before the plant polination itself
  5. 8. Trait that shows up more often
  6. 10. Always produce the same traits
  7. 11. Characteristic of living things
  8. 13. Who is the father of Genetics
  9. 14. What plant did Gregor Mendel use to discover genetics?