
  1. 3. various form of one gene
  2. 7. Plants always produce the same trait
  3. 10. instruction you receive from your parents that code for traits.
  4. 12. having two different alleles
  5. 13. the study of heredity
  6. 14. the transfer of pollen
  7. 15. trait that shows up more often (powerful)
  8. 16. the transfer of pollen from the anther of one plant to the stigma of another
  1. 1. the passing down of traits from parents to offspring
  2. 2. physical trait resulting from genotype
  3. 4. only one plant needed to pollinate itself
  4. 5. sperm cells swim down pollen tube into ovary sperm cells unite with egg cells and create seeds.
  5. 6. trait that seems to hide or disappear
  6. 8. inherited alleles that are your genetic make-up
  7. 9. square a tool used to predict the possible combinations of alleles in the offspring
  8. 11. Characteristics of living things
  9. 12. having two different alleles