
  1. 2. makes up you you have many of these
  2. 4. When the letter combos are different "Tt"
  3. 5. Square that tells us the offsprings trait
  4. 6. the likelihood that a particular event would occur
  5. 8. experiments in breeding garden peas led to his eventual recognition as founder of the science of genetics
  6. 9. Allele that always shows
  7. 11. a condition when both alleles are expressed in the phenotype
  8. 12. The children of an organism when they reproduce
  9. 15. phenotype is influenced by more than one gene
  10. 17. gene A gene that is carried on the X or Y chromosome
  11. 19. letter combo that determines your trait
  12. 20. choosing two traits and breeding them to have perfect offspring
  1. 1. a persons physical appearance
  2. 3. refers to a situation where neither allele dominates over the other allele creating a new phenotype
  3. 7. The union of male and female sperm and egg
  4. 10. when the letter combos are the same "TT"
  5. 13. a persons genetic make up
  6. 14. gene that does not show unless dominant allele is not there
  7. 16. when organism have offspring
  8. 18. The passing of traits from parents to offspring