
  1. 2. Number of strands of DNA in most cells.
  2. 7. a specific version of a gene
  3. 10. a structure that is made up of the cell’s DNA wrapped around proteins
  4. 12. The amount of P protein affects the amount of ________ made in a cell. This affects eye color.
  5. 14. the study of the inheritance of genes that results in certain traits
  6. 15. gene is a long section of a _________.
  1. 1. proteins have many functions, one of them is to send_________ between cells.
  2. 3. the shape of a protein determines its ______.
  3. 4. a segment of DNA that contains the instructions for making a product, usually a protein
  4. 5. what do we inherit from or parents?
  5. 6. how many copies of each chromosome do you have?
  6. 8. how many genes are in each chromosome?
  7. 9. smaller than a cell
  8. 11. how many genes control one trait?
  9. 13. gene a gene whose instructions have been followed by the cell to make a product; gene expression usually results in the cell making a protein