
  1. 5. Has only 1 set of chromosomes (n).
  2. 6. The overshadowed allele.
  3. 7. Portions of DNA that determine traits of living things.
  4. 8. A set of genes in DNA that includes unique characteristics.
  5. 10. A,C,G,U
  6. 11. A,C,G,T
  7. 14. Different forms of a gene.
  8. 15. Two different alleles are present for a particular characteristic.
  9. 16. Influenced both by its genotype and by the environment. The appearance of an organism.
  10. 18. The complete set of genes or genetic material present in a cell or organism.
  11. 19. Female reproductive cells.
  1. 1. The founder of the science of genetics.
  2. 2. The first step to making proteins.
  3. 3. Male reproductive cells.
  4. 4. Two identical alleles are present for a particular characteristic.
  5. 5. The expressed allele.
  6. 9. The process where proteins are built from the mRNA blueprint.
  7. 12. A DNA molecule containing the genetic material of an organism.
  8. 13. Proposed a model for the DNA structure.
  9. 15. The passing on of traits from parents onto their offspring.
  10. 17. Has 2 sets of chromosones (2n).