  1. 3. RNA which is bound to the ribosome
  2. 5. allele expressing itself
  3. 7. process where proteins are built from the mRNA blueprint
  4. 10. portions of DNA molecules that determine characteristics of living things
  5. 12. gene composition of a living organism
  6. 13. how many copies of each gene every person has
  7. 14. cells in most complex organisms
  8. 16. first step towards making proteins
  9. 17. developed by biologists
  10. 18. study of how genes bring about characteristics or traits
  11. 19. expression of the genes of living things
  1. 1. recessive allele
  2. 2. situation in which both alleles are equally strong and both alleles are visible in the hybrid genotype
  3. 4. consists for about 100,000 genes for a human cell
  4. 6. different forms of gene
  5. 8. Mendel believed that certain factors are passed from parents to their ---------
  6. 9. model for the structure of DNA was proposed by them
  7. 11. science of genetics was developed by him
  8. 14. the true structure of a DNA molecule
  9. 15. cells formed through meiosis