
  1. 2. neither phenotype is expressed fully
  2. 4. traits genes are located on the X-chromosome so there are different patterns of inheritance in males (XY) and females (XX)
  3. 6. (BB)
  4. 8. Both genes are fully expressed and both phenotypes are seen
  5. 9. written as capital letters
  6. 11. alleles of different genes sort randomly during gamete formation in meiosis to give all possible combinations of the genes
  7. 12. one single molecule of DNA
  8. 13. sections of DNA that code for a specific protein
  9. 15. (Bb)
  1. 1. written as lower case letters
  2. 3. of segregation when alleles of the same gene separate during meiosis,each gamete will have only one copy
  3. 5. both “A” and “B” are dominant to “o”.O is written in a lowercase to show it recessive to A and B.
  4. 7. the macromolecule that contains genetic code
  5. 10. mendelian do not follow simple dominance rules like in mendelian genetics
  6. 14. A cross(mating) between organisms who are both heterozygous to one gene:Aa*Aa