
  1. 2. It is to take over recessive.
  2. 6. A way to tell what is the probability of getting dominant and recessive.
  3. 10. Two alleles are different.
  4. 12. The chance of having a dominant or recessive trait.
  5. 14. Dominant takes it over.
  6. 15. Dominant or recessive.
  1. 1. Two of the same alleles.
  2. 3. The characteristics.
  3. 4. The blueprints of life.
  4. 5. The genetic constitution of an individual organism.
  5. 7. Heterozygous.
  6. 8. Recessive Homozygous.
  7. 9. Dominant Homozygous.
  8. 11. What makes you look or sound like you.
  9. 13. makes a person who they are from their parents.