
  1. 2. means 100% dominat traits
  2. 5. 100% small trait
  3. 7. is the fundamental and distinctive characteristics or qualities of someone or something.
  4. 10. dominat is when the gene is dominat over the other gene
  5. 13. two different alleles of a particular gene or genes.
  6. 15. the set of observable characteristics of an individual resulting from the interaction of its genotype with the environment.
  1. 1. he extent to which something is probable; the likelihood of something happening or being the case.
  2. 3. squares The meaning of PUNNETT SQUARE is a square diagram that is composed of a grid
  3. 4. 50 50 for each trait
  4. 6. relating to or denoting heritable characteristics controlled by genes
  5. 8. One of two or more DNA sequences occurring at a particular gene
  6. 9. having two identical alleles of a particular gene or genes.
  7. 11. trait are the thing where we get all of the thing that we have
  8. 12. the entire genetic constitution of an individua
  9. 14. are a distinct sequence of nucleotides forming part of a chromosome