
  1. 3. the likelihood of something happening or being the case
  2. 4. that trait will be dominant
  3. 6. having two identical alleles of a particular gene
  4. 8. a genetically determined characteristic
  5. 13. the genetic constitution of an individual organism
  6. 14. to determine what percent chance you get that gene
  1. 1. having two different alleles of a particular gene
  2. 2. that trait will be dominant
  3. 5. the set of observable characteristics of an individual resulting from the interaction of its genotype with the environment
  4. 7. It is the carrier of genetic information
  5. 9. that trait will be recessive
  6. 10. the gene that takes over if there is a recessive gene only happens if it is the only one there
  7. 11. are a unit of heredity that is transferred from a parent to offspring
  8. 12. one of two or more alternative forms of a gene