
  1. 3. the changes in the DNA code.
  2. 5. The genes have each Dominant or recessive form.
  3. 8. section of DNA.
  4. 9. the substance that creates our traits.
  5. 10. stronger form of a trait/ show up often.
  6. 12. A physical characteristics of an organism.
  7. 14. tightly coiled up DNA.
  1. 1. the gene only has both Dominant or the recessive form.
  2. 2. long thread like molecule, made of 4 base pairs.
  3. 4. combinations of letters for a specific trait.
  4. 6. Diseases caused by a mutation in the code.
  5. 7. all of the organism's DNA.
  6. 11. the study of heredity.
  7. 13. Weaker form of a trait/show up less.
  8. 15. the next generation of an organism.