
  1. 2. having two different alleles for a trait; Tt or Rr
  2. 4. feature that an organism inherits from parents
  3. 5. the way an organism looks as a result of its genotype
  4. 7. the chance of winding up with a particular trait
  5. 8. The trait that shows when two different alleles are present
  6. 11. the study of how traits are inherited (Heredity)
  7. 12. mutation that involves the insertion or deletion of a nucleotide in the DNA sequence
  8. 14. having two of the same alleles for a trait; TT or ss
  9. 16. the different forms that a gene may have (single letter)
  1. 1. mutation that involves the switching of one nucleotide for another
  2. 3. segment of DNA on a chromosome
  3. 6. synthesis of an RNA molecule from a DNA template
  4. 9. decoding of a mRNA message into an amino acid chain
  5. 10. the genetic makeup of an organism
  6. 13. A specific sequence of three adjacent bases on a strand of DNA or RNA that provides genetic code information for a particular amino acid
  7. 15. the trait that is hidden when two different alleles are present