
  1. 4. both alleles on the homologous pair are the same.
  2. 5. the offspring of two F1 parents.
  3. 6. the observable characteristics of an individual.
  4. 8. the position of a gene.
  5. 10. the alleles on the homologous pair are different.
  6. 12. a length of DNA that determines a characteristic.
  7. 13. an organism which has been bred repeatedly so that all individuals are homozygous.
  8. 15. first generation from a homozygous dominant parent and a homozygous recessive parent.
  9. 16. all of the alleles that an individual contains.
  1. 1. an individual with two dominant alleles of a gene.
  2. 2. the allele which is expressed in a heterozygote.
  3. 3. investigates the inheritance of one gene.
  4. 4. an individual with two recessive alleles of a gene.
  5. 7. both alleles are expressed in a heterozygote.
  6. 9. investigates the inheritance of two genes on different chromosomes.
  7. 11. a version of a gene.
  8. 14. the allele which is not expressed in a heterozygote.