
  1. 4. The genetic makeup of an organism
  2. 8. disease a disease that can’t be spread form person to person
  3. 9. Having 2 identical alleles
  4. 10. An organisms physical appearance
  5. 13. - an inherited medical condition caused by dna abnormalitiy
  6. 15. Where dna is found in a cell
  7. 16. single stranded molecule
  1. 1. Different forms of gene
  2. 2. having two different alleles
  3. 3. The shape of dna double..
  4. 5. a long dna molecule found in the nucleus
  5. 6. The alternation of a gene
  6. 7. A condition that appears only in individuals who have received two copies of a mutant gene, one copy from each parent
  7. 11. - multiple traits passed down from your parents
  8. 12. An attribute belonging to a person
  9. 14. A self replicating material