
  1. 4. the male reproductive cell
  2. 5. receive traits from previous generation
  3. 8. cross between parents with different traits
  4. 9. A small part of DNA
  5. 10. has 2 different alleles for a gene
  6. 13. the chance that something will happen
  7. 14. the female part of a plant
  8. 15. Fusion of male cell with female cell
  9. 19. the veggie that Mendel experimented with
  10. 20. allele that masks the recessive allele
  11. 21. the genes expressed as letters
  1. 1. the descendants of a person, animal, or plant
  2. 2. father of genetics
  3. 3. an equal mixing of traits
  4. 6. a version of the gene
  5. 7. strands of genes that code for traits
  6. 11. has 2 identical alleles for a particular gene
  7. 12. to mate
  8. 16. allele who is masked by the dominant allele
  9. 17. physical appearance
  10. 18. deoxyribonucleic acid