
  1. 1. chromosomes that are not identical
  2. 5. the cell that forms due to fertilization
  3. 8. Occurs when the egg and the sperm actually combine
  4. 11. For predicting all the possible Genotypes resulting in a cross.
  5. 14. cells make an exact copy of themselves
  6. 15. chromosomes begin to condense and become more visible
  1. 2. They are crosses that examine the inheritance of only one specific trait.
  2. 3. Process of making two new identical cells
  3. 4. two gametes join together to form a new cell
  4. 6. centromeres that join the sister chromatids split
  5. 7. A trait you can see.
  6. 9. Have two copies of each chromosome
  7. 10. Sister chromatids line up across the middle of the cell
  8. 12. Chromosomes (each consisting of a single chromatid) uncoil
  9. 13. only has one copy of each chromosome