
  1. 4. Every person has a sight to be treate/ with human
  2. 6. what means respecting the rights and dignity of each human being
  3. 8. Human characteristics depend genetic andfactors
  4. 9. UNESCO Universal Declaration on Bioethics and bioethicalHuman Rights identifies principles
  5. 12. theory eugenics is that others recognise. but see its reactionary essence in the theory of inferiority of Individuals races people and Social groups
  6. 14. Genetic abnormalities should be protected from third Cemployers insurance agents, schools
  7. 15. The technology used for detecting alinormalities in the foetus newborn and infant
  1. 1. all type of genetic assistance should be
  2. 2. diagnostic should only be cartied out according to fetal health indicators for detections of genetic disease and malformations
  3. 3. Eugenics makes use of Selection process of gifted persons for improving human pool
  4. 5. from Greek means well-known
  5. 7. others believe that reasonable means of eugenics. should be used
  6. 10. is placed on the physical and intellectual qualiti (eaving out Secial and Spiritual aspects
  7. 11. nipulation with nature might onbring. Man genetics for the human race
  8. 13. Eugenics deals with study of inheritable disease and deficiencies