
  1. 2. Chromosome pairs that have the same types of genes (1 from mom and 1 from dad)
  2. 5. acid The macromolecule that holds our genetic material
  3. 7. The process of reading the instructions in DNA to make a polypeptide
  4. 12. The process of cell division that makes gametes in the gonads for sexual reproduction
  5. 13. The fusing of genetic information (gametes) from two parents to produce offspring that are a genetic mixture of both parents
  6. 15. A set of 3 nucleotides on mRNA
  7. 17. 2 full sets of chromosomes (2n); 1 set from mom, 1 set from dad
  8. 18. The process of copying DNA into a complementary strand of mRNA that can carry the instructions out of the nucleus
  9. 20. code Code of instructions for how to make proteins
  10. 21. A diagram that shows the number and visual appearance of the chromosomes in a cell
  1. 1. Tightly coiled strand of DNA that contains genes
  2. 3. The monomer of nucleic acids
  3. 4. The process of interpreting the message on mRNA into a polypeptide to make a protein
  4. 6. A chain of amino acids that can bind to other polypeptides and fold into a protein
  5. 8. 1 full set of chromosomes (n); 1 set that is a combination of chromosomes from mom and dad
  6. 9. The monomer of proteins, linked together with peptide bonds to form a polypeptide
  7. 10. A section of DNA (and thus of a chromosome) that has instructions to code for a protein
  8. 11. The actual fusion of egg and sperm to form a zygote
  9. 14. Complementary 3 nucleotides on tRNA
  10. 16. The study of changes in gene expression that are heritable
  11. 19. 2 identical copies of the same chromosome