
  1. 3. having different alleles for a particular trait
  2. 4. an individual's observable traits, such as height, eye color and blood type
  3. 8. A chart that diagrams the inheritance of a tree or health condition through generations of a family
  4. 11. having inherited the same versions alleles of a genomic marker
  5. 13. unit of heredity passed from parents to offspring
  6. 14. the relationship between an observed trait and the two inherited versions of a gene
  7. 15. trait that is expressed only when genotype is homozygous
  1. 1. A doubled rod of condensed chromatin
  2. 2. The offspring of many generations that have the same traits
  3. 5. The genetic heritage has down by our biological parents
  4. 6. A change in a gene or chromosome
  5. 7. genetic makeup of organism or group of organisms with reference to a single trait or multiple traits
  6. 9. A condition in which neither of two allies of a gene are dominant or recessive
  7. 10. different forms of a gene
  8. 12. discover the fundamental laws of inheritance