
  1. 3. needs low protein diet
  2. 5. tests for 30-5- conditions
  3. 6. recessive each parent carries mutated gene
  4. 7. skeletal dysplasia
  5. 10. recognizable patterns
  6. 11. T21
  7. 12. inappropriate happy behavior
  8. 15. 45XO
  9. 17. part of chromosome appears on another chromosome
  10. 18. disorder of carbohydrate metabolism
  1. 1. one dominant, one r
  2. 2. common x linked recessive disorder
  3. 3. what is observable
  4. 4. matched pair of chromomsomes
  5. 8. T18
  6. 9. Willi compulsive behavior, overeating
  7. 13. neural tube defect
  8. 14. loss of chromosome material
  9. 16. T13