
  1. 4. alleles factor that dominates, or covers up, another factor
  2. 5. a structure in the nucleus that contains hereditary material
  3. 8. specific pattern in a gene
  4. 9. a section of DNA on a chromosome that contains the instructions for making a specific protein
  5. 11. the study of how traits are inherited
  6. 12. the genetic makeup (combination of alleles) of an organism
  7. 13. physical appearance of the organism, the visible traits
  1. 1. when there are two copies of the same allele at the same locus
  2. 2. a specific characteristic of an individual
  3. 3. deoxyribonucleic acid; a chemical in a cell that contains information to tell a cell how to grow and what to do
  4. 6. alleles factor that disappears if a dominant trait is present
  5. 7. the passing on of traits from one generation to another
  6. 10. alleles two variations of a gene (known as alleles) are paired at the same location (locus) on a chromosome