
  1. 1. Moral principles of conduct
  2. 4. Building block of proteins
  3. 5. Process of copying DNA
  4. 6. Process of making RNA from DNA
  5. 8. DNA-protein complex in cells
  6. 11. Deoxyribonucleic acid
  7. 12. Small circular DNA molecule
  8. 13. Basic unit of heredity
  9. 14. Process of making protein from RNA
  1. 2. Process of creating identical copies of organisms or cells
  2. 3. Change in DNA sequence
  3. 5. Site of protein synthesis
  4. 7. Building block of DNA and RNA
  5. 9. Ribonucleic acid
  6. 10. Proteins that speed up chemical reactions
  7. 13. Complete set of genetic material