
  1. 7. Substances like radiation, tobacco smoke, andcertain chemicals that increase one's cancer.
  2. 8. When a large portion of the population dies, and the frequency changed dramatically.
  3. 9. An organisms full set of genetic information coded in its DNA.
  4. 11. A mutated cell begins to divide uncontrollably.
  5. 13. Sum of all alleles that a population can possess.
  6. 15. A physical or chemical substance that changes genetic structure.
  7. 17. Small, circular DNA molecules that function like chromosomes.
  8. 18. A failure of the chromosome to separate.
  1. 1. When just one nucleotide basee changes in the DNA chain.
  2. 2. The base shifts the whole codon.
  3. 3. A small population moves to a new area and allele frequency changes as this smaller group starts a new popuation.
  4. 4. Ebb of genetic material in a population.
  5. 5. Tipes of chromosomes, that don't usually participate in crossing over.
  6. 6. Process of using fragments of DNA to identify individuals.
  7. 9. Change in allele frequency based on random events.
  8. 10. Cells with three or more full sets of chromosomes.
  9. 12. Range of Genotype differences between individuals from the same gene pool.
  10. 14. Determining the order of nucleotides in an organism's DNA.
  11. 16. Malignant tumors are one form of this.