
  1. 2. characteristic, such as height or skin color, that is influenced by two or more genes
  2. 5. Visible characteristic
  3. 7. cells have two sets of chromosomes.
  4. 8. Inside Chromosomes
  5. 9. Resesive
  6. 12. Non-visible characteristic
  7. 13. Like a History of Family Genes
  8. 15. Like a Trait
  1. 1. A mix of two traits
  2. 3. refers to certain patterns of how traits are passed from parents to offspring.
  3. 4. cells are those that have only a single set of chromosomes
  4. 6. A square that has both dominant and recessive Genes
  5. 10. DNA
  6. 11. Dominant in a punnet square
  7. 14. Eye Color
  8. 16. Domanat