
  1. 2. Deoxyribonucleic acid; a molecule that carries the genetic instructions for the development, functioning, growth, and reproduction of all organisms.
  2. 4. The genetic makeup of an organism, representing the combination of alleles for a particular trait.
  3. 7. A trait that will only show up in an organism's phenotype if two copies of the allele are present in its genotype.
  4. 8. - A thread-like structure made up of DNA and proteins found in the nucleus of a cell; humans have 46 chromosomes.
  5. 9. The passing on of physical or mental characteristics genetically from one generation to another.
  6. 11. - A segment of DNA that contains the instructions for a specific trait, such as eye color or height.
  7. 13. Square A diagram used to predict the possible genotypes and phenotypes of offspring in a genetic cross.
  1. 1. Having two different alleles for a particular gene.
  2. 2. A trait that will show up in an organism's phenotype if it is present in its genotype.
  3. 3. - Different forms of a gene that can result in different variations of a trait.
  4. 5. The observable physical or biochemical characteristics of an organism, determined by its genetic makeup and environmental factors.
  5. 6. Having two identical alleles for a particular gene.
  6. 10. - The branch of biology that studies how traits are passed down from parents to offspring through genes.
  7. 12. A change in the DNA sequence that can result in alterations in an organism's genetic information.