
  1. 4. Carries two copies of the same recessive allele (gg)
  2. 9. Where animals are capable of producing offspring without mating
  3. 11. Type of reproduction by which offspring arise from a single parent organism
  4. 12. The father of modern genetics
  5. 14. Organisms that release tiny balls of cells that can grow into new organisms
  6. 16. A fertilized egg
  7. 18. Carries two copies of the same dominant allele (RR)
  8. 19. The genetic makeup of an organism
  9. 20. Occurs when the cell divides into two copies
  1. 1. Occurs when a second organism develops from an overgrowth of the original
  2. 2. A piece of an organism develops into a fully grown copy
  3. 3. Alterations that occur within a DNA sequence
  4. 5. Type of reproduction by which offspring arise from two parent organisms
  5. 6. Deoxyribonueleic acid
  6. 7. The physical appearance of an organism based on it's genetic makeup
  7. 8. Variations in a gene
  8. 10. Chromosomes are found here inside the cell
  9. 13. The study of heredity
  10. 15. Carries two different alleles of a gene (Yy)
  11. 17. Shows all the possible ways the offspring could inherit the gene from two parents