
  1. 6. a mule, for example
  2. 8. shows no traits, but carries a recessive allele for the trait
  3. 9. AA, for example
  4. 11. not recessive
  5. 13. an organisms genetic makeup for a certain trait
  6. 14. alternate form of a gene
  7. 15. a pair of chromosomes that both code for the same characteristics
  1. 1. gene ____ varies between individuals, so the same gene may produce a different structure
  2. 2. when a red and white flower produce a pink flower, for example
  3. 3. the f in F1
  4. 4. Aa, for example
  5. 5. most of us have 46
  6. 7. occurs during prophase of meiosis 1
  7. 10. piece of DNA that codes for a specific trait or protein
  8. 12. hybrid ____ occurs when an offspring is stronger and healthier than either of it's parents
  9. 13. an organisms genetic material