Genetics and Probability

  1. 3. genetic makeup
  2. 8. neither allele phenotypes are completely expressed
  3. 9. a cross looking at TWO genes
  4. 11. both alleles are dominant or both recessive
  5. 12. unit of hereditary
  6. 13. both allele phenotypes are expressed
  7. 16. when several genes interact
  8. 17. more than two alleles for a gene
  9. 19. study of inheritance
  1. 1. plant Mendel used
  2. 2. one dominant and one recessive allele is
  3. 4. non-Mendelian; can affect gene expression
  4. 5. this type of allele gets covered
  5. 6. this type of allele covers the other
  6. 7. different form of the same gene
  7. 8. genes for different traits segregate __ of each other
  8. 10. a cross looking at ONE trait
  9. 14. father of genetics
  10. 15. likelihood an event will occur
  11. 18. physical traits shown