Genetics of Diabetes

  1. 2. Type of autoimmune diabetes which occurs in older adults, and is usually diagnosed after 35 years of age
  2. 5. Subjects with type 2 diabetes can produce insulin, but have insulin _____
  3. 7. This is the key defining feature of patients who have diabetes
  4. 10. Main susceptibility genes currently accepted for type 1 diabetes
  5. 13. Pancreatic hormone in charge of increasing blood glucose
  6. 14. Monogenic form of diabetes with specific mutations in diabetes-associated genes
  7. 15. Most prevalent form of diabetes worldwide
  8. 16. Type 1 diabetes is also known as _____ diabetes since its onset is usually at an earlier age
  1. 1. Any of a class of organic compounds characterized by the presence of a carbonyl group in which the carbon atom is covalently bonded to an oxygen atom. The remaining two bonds are to other carbon atoms or hydrocarbon radicals (R)
  2. 3. Type 1 diabetes is considered to be an _______ disease
  3. 4. Type of pancreatic cell which produces insulin
  4. 6. Mitochondrial disease inherited maternally and characterized by diabetes and deafness
  5. 8. Type of glucose transporter present in insulin-dependent tissues
  6. 9. Type 2 diabetes is a complex disease caused by an interplay between genetic, epigenetic and _____ factors
  7. 11. Pancreatic hormone in charge of decreasing blood glucose levels
  8. 12. This technology has increased our ability to diagnose MODY