Genetics Review

  1. 3. r in rRNA
  2. 8. DNA is wrapped around proteins called __________
  3. 10. diagram used to predict the outcome of a particular cross or breeding
  4. 12. A cluster of histones with its wrapped DNA is called a ______________
  5. 13. The enzyme that "unzips" DNA
  6. 14. The enzyme that adds new nucleotides to DNA
  7. 16. When a sequence of DNA is copied into mRNA
  8. 18. genes that are covered or masked by dominant genes
  9. 19. the structure of DNA discovered by Watson and Crick
  10. 20. the side rails of DNA are made up of alternating sugar and _____________
  11. 23. rungs of DNA are made up of nitrogenous __________
  12. 24. In RNA, this base replaces Thymine
  13. 26. Both genes are the same ex.TT
  14. 28. t in tRNA
  15. 31. m in mRNA
  16. 32. the genes an individual has
  1. 1. When mRNA is used to create proteins from amino acid codons
  2. 2. When both genes are expressed or show up at the same time ex. Red x White = Red and White
  3. 4. __________ Dominance occurs when the heterozygous offspring is a mix of the two original phenotypes ex. Red x White = Pink
  4. 5. always matches with Guanine in DNA
  5. 6. __________ Inheritance is when a trait is controlled by more than one pair of genes
  6. 7. two genes are different ex.Tt
  7. 9. Building block of DNA made up of a pentose sugar, phosphate, and nitrogenous base
  8. 11. always matches with Adenine in DNA
  9. 15. The physical characteristics an individual has
  10. 17. Process of producing two identical DNA strands from one parent strand of DNA
  11. 21. When one pair of genes prevents or blocks the expression of another pair of genes
  12. 22. always matches with Cytosine in DNA
  13. 25. genes that cover or mask the expression of recessive genes
  14. 27. type of bond between base pairs
  15. 29. always matches with Thymine in DNA
  16. 30. Austrian Monk who studied genetics using pea plants