Genetics Review

  1. 2. a form of dominance wherein the alleles of a gene pair in a heterozygote are fully expressed. This results in offspring with a phenotype that is neither dominant nor recessive.
  2. 6. genotype having two different alleles
  3. 9. crossing over occurs in this stage of cell division
  4. 10. an epigenetic DNA modification
  5. 13. enzyme that made Henrietta Lacks famous
  6. 14. a molecule that adds a phosphate to another molecule
  7. 17. molecular technique using fluorescent probes that bind to only those parts of the chromosome with a high degree of sequence complementarity.
  8. 19. cancer-promoting form of a proto-oncogene
  9. 20. a circular piece of extrachromosomal DNA
  10. 21. prostate cancer histological test named after Donald ________.
  1. 1. X-gal=substitute for _____________ in the blue/white color screening assay.
  2. 3. sugar used in chain-terminating nucleotide triphophates
  3. 4. the opposite of a kinase
  4. 5. Two needed in PCR (singular form)
  5. 7. DNA sequences that define where transcription of a gene by RNA polymerase begins.
  6. 8. separates DNA strands like a "zipper"
  7. 11. a type of mutation that introduces a stop codon in place of a codon coding for an amino acid
  8. 12. one researcher who used Nitrogen isotopes in his experiments.
  9. 13. having three copies of genetic information
  10. 15. cell location where RNA is processed
  11. 16. tells a CDK what to phosphorylate
  12. 18. MCS stands for multiple ______________ site.