  1. 3. located within the nucleus; involves DNA and RNA that later on forms as chromosomes
  2. 7. one's phenotype is influenced by a single gene
  3. 8. wherein the expression of a single gene is
  4. 13. a wide range of gene variation is present
  5. 20. the relationship that pertains between two gene variations
  6. 21. a process that fits a generalized linear representation to binomial information that has thinner tails than the average distribution
  7. 22. two alternate forms of a gene
  8. 27. a particular gene that have two different alleles
  9. 29. is changed and caused by the expression of the inherited genes
  10. 31. the genetic identity of an organism
  11. 32. the representation of a collective phenotypes in an organism
  12. 34. the organism's characteristics that can be observed
  13. 35. the relationship between two alleles in which it over masks the recessive allele
  14. 36. the genes equally contribute to the phenotype and no gene will dominate the other
  15. 37. genes that act the same way as normal gene although they can only be used in aberrations.
  16. 38. a gene considered to have several numbers of variations
  17. 39. phenotypic expression is observed in the alleles of a heterozygous gene pair
  18. 40. the organism's visual collection of chromosomes
  19. 42. describes whether gene carriers of a specific condition come to develop the characteristics of the condition
  20. 43. one's phenotype is influenced by more than a single gene
  1. 1. a single copy of a gene sequence can be found in diploid cells
  2. 2. a form of intermediate inheritance in which an allele specific for a trait is not completely expressed over the other allele pair
  3. 4. a particular gene that have two identical alleles
  4. 5. a phase of cell division where in it results to two daughter cells that have inherited the same number and kind of the parental nucleus
  5. 6. traits that are dependent on a certain number of causes
  6. 9. have multiple numbers of alleles on a genetic marker
  7. 10. fundamental unit of heredity that are passed from generations to generations
  8. 11. genetic characteristics that follow Mendel's Law
  9. 12. a combination of DNA variations that most likely be inherited together
  10. 14. a certain period where a change or process occurs
  11. 15. a fixed area on a chromosome where a genetic marker is found
  12. 16. the relationship between two alleles in which it is the one being over masked by the dominant allele
  13. 17. occupied by many different genes affecting the hereditary characters
  14. 18. a positive or negative change in a gene sequence
  15. 19. the method of combining derived DNA into the generational line of the microorganisms in order to be inherited by the latter lineages
  16. 23. a bond of nucleic acids and protein that gives off a threadlike appearance; carries genetic information
  17. 24. a process that fits a generalized linear representation to binomial information that follows an average distribution
  18. 25. a gene considered to have no different variations
  19. 26. a pair of genes in a particular area of a chromosome that have the same trait
  20. 28. genetics characteristics that do not follow Mendel's Law
  21. 30. phase of cell division where in it results to two daughter cells that have the half number and of the parental nucleus
  22. 32. pertains to a gene that affects multiple traits
  23. 33. areas within the region of a locus
  24. 39. TRAIT traits that are influenced by more than just an environmental or genetic factor
  25. 41. a representation of a genetic tree that clearly shows the inheritance of disease traits over generations