Genetics Vocab

  1. 3. two copies of the chromosome
  2. 6. allele is suppressed if the dominant allele is present
  3. 7. cross with two traits (4 alleles)
  4. 9. used to perform genetic cross
  5. 14. allele masks the expression of the other allele
  6. 15. hold genetic information
  7. 17. genetic make up
  8. 20. genes are connected because they are located on the same chromosome
  9. 21. one allele does not mask the other, they make a new trait
  1. 1. version of the gene
  2. 2. tool to trace traits through a family history
  3. 4. sorting or chromosomes
  4. 5. gene is on X or Y chromosome
  5. 8. two different alleles
  6. 10. chromosomes separate during meiosis
  7. 11. one copy of the chromosome
  8. 12. trait is determined by multiple genes
  9. 13. cross with one trait (two alleles)
  10. 16. two of the same alleles
  11. 18. expression of the gene
  12. 19. physical expression of traits