Genetics Vocabulary

  1. 4. A trait that shows through covers up another trait.
  2. 6. The mathematical chance of an offspring inheriting a certain phenotype or genotype.
  3. 7. An offspring genetically identical to its parent, this happens through asexual reproduction
  4. 11. Cell ______ is when the cell divides into two, it may due this to grow, repair cells, or create new organisms.
  5. 12. A ______ square is one that can be used to calculate what alleles and offspring may have.
  6. 13. The instructions for a trait that you inherit.
  7. 14. ____ plants were used in Mendel's experiments because they were fast to grow and reproduce, they could self poliant, and had a variety of traits to observe.
  8. 17. When there is two of the same trait coding for the same thing, for example tt or TT.
  9. 19. A trait that is covered up by another, you are unable to see it in a Heterozygous genotype.
  10. 20. ________ breeding is where you breed together two animals with a desired trait in hopes of the offspring having that trait, like more meat on a cow.
  11. 21. ______ reproduction is when an offspring it produced by one parent, through cell division.
  12. 23. The pairs of genes in an offspring, you CAN'T see it.
  1. 1. The physical appearance that gene appears as, you do see it.
  2. 2. ______ reproduction requires two parents and each of them give the offspring 23 chromosomes.
  3. 3. _________ chromosomes are what we call each pair of chromosomes, that have similar structures and genes; one comes from each parents.
  4. 5. The process of cell division, the cell is in this stage 10% of its life.
  5. 8. These hold your DNA, and there are 46 in each human body cell.
  6. 9. The study heredity.
  7. 10. This is the stage where a cell spends 90% of its life, the cell grows, replicates DNA, and does its cell functions.
  8. 15. A change in genetic between generations, it was not already there.
  9. 16. When there is dominant and recessive trait together, for example Tt.
  10. 17. Traits being passed from parents to their
  11. 18. He was a scientist who studied genetics and used pea plants to do so. (Last name only)
  12. 22. The different options/forms of a gene, like dominant or recessive.