
  1. 2. contiguous living system
  2. 3. a document to record ancestry
  3. 6. one of a number of alternate forms of the same genetic location
  4. 7. encodes genetic instructions used in the development and functioning
  5. 8. structure of DNA , protein and RNA found in cells
  6. 10. biological molecules that perform multiple vital roles in coding and expressions of genes
  7. 11. composite of an organisms observable characteristics or traits
  8. 12. used to predict the outcome of particular cross or breeds
  9. 14. the functional basic unit of life
  1. 1. electrically neutral group of two or more atoms held together by chemical bones
  2. 4. molecular unit of heredity
  3. 5. genetic makeup of a cell
  4. 8. contributions of both alleles are visible in phenotype
  5. 9. involves genes and characteristics of organisms
  6. 13. relationship between two numbers of the same kind of experiment